I own a SLSA, but don’t know what maintenance I can perform?

The owner of an SLSA aircraft can perform preventative maintenance as long as they hold a private pilot certificate or higher. Preventative maintenance is limited to oil changes, light bulbs, tires, and refilling of fluids. More extensive maintenance and any annuals must be performed my a certified repairman.

What are the maintenance requirements for an SLSA?

An aircraft issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category is also issued a pink or special airworthinesscertificate. These aircraft cannot be used for compensation or hire, except to tow a glider or unpowered ultralight vehicle or to conduct flight training. The FAA does not limit the ability of a person to rent a SLSA; however, it does limit those operations that a person may conduct when operating the aircraft (SLSA). Because the owner/operator of these aircraft can engage in these operations, a different set of maintenance requirements apply. For example, the aircraft must meet the certification requirements § 21.190 to an industry-developed consensus standard acceptable to the FAA, meet 14 CFR part 43 maintenance requirements performed by maintenance providers certificated under 14 CFR part 65, and comply with § 91.327 operating limitations. All SLSA have to comply with the manufacturer’s safety directives and FAA AD’s applicable to type-certificated (TC) products installed on the aircraft.

What Tasks can we perform according to the FAA as Repairman (LSA) Perform with a Maintenance Rating?

LWhat Tasks can a Repairman (LSA) Perform with a Maintenance Rating? A repairman (LSA) certificate with this rating allows the repairman to perform, for hire, annual condition inspections on aircraft issued experimental certificates for the purpose of operating LSA under § 21.191(i). It also allows the repairman to approve for return to service (RTS) an aircraft issued a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category under § 21.190 after performing maintenance, preventive maintenance, or an alteration to include the required annual condition inspections on SLSA in the class for which the repairman is rated. Additionally, under this rating, the repairman can work on and approve a SLSA for RTS after completion of a manufacturer’s safety directive or an AD on a TC’d product installed on the aircraft. These privileges are limited to the class of aircraft for which the repairman has received training, as identified on his or her FAA repairman certificate.